As part of the 9 May eTwinning Day celebration activities, Differences can make beautiful, our school students who took an active role in the project within the scope of our eTwinning project What does eTwinning mean to you? They prepared and performed a poster in response to the question: They prepared and presented a joint celebration video for the eTwinning day.
It's an etwinning project.Our students will discover their own skills and technology at the same time.
31 Mayıs 2021 Pazartesi
Interesting Chefs Team Digital Board on web.2 Trello
As Interesting Chefs Team, we present our digital board and work to your liking.
Interesting Chefs Team Digital Board
27 Mayıs 2021 Perşembe
25 Mayıs 2021 Salı
23 Mayıs 2021 Pazar
20 Mayıs 2021 Perşembe
13 Mayıs 2021 Perşembe
Closing Webinar
Closing Webinar
As our eTwinning Project Differences Can Make Beautiful approached its end, we spent valuable time together, having fun with celebrations and games.
10 Mayıs 2021 Pazartesi
We celebrated eTwinning Day with different and enjoyable activities. Aylin explained us about eTwinning, Nurefşan read the poem which she and her friends wrote for etwinning day. We played games wordwall and quiziz. We made mentimeter for etwinning. It was an enjoyable night for us and our students. We enjoyed and learnt new things. Finally Banica, a Romaian student, played Romaian and Turkish music for us with his instrument.
9 Mayıs 2021 Pazar
8 Mayıs 2021 Cumartesi
Teachers Meeting
Differences Can Make Beatiful Project Teachers met at the webinar and shared their ideas. This is a nice video prepared for a special meeting.
Interesting Chefs Teams
Can you give me a nutrition recommendation from Interesting Chefs Team?
- We should eat fish once a week
- Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits.
- Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits.
- cook vegetables with the lid closed
- read labels before purchasing food
- reduce salt intake
- take enough vitamin minerals daily
- eat fish two times a week
- You cook your own meals
- Do not neglect exercise
- Consuming legumes
- bring junk food nervous
- Pay attention to the consumption of fruits and vegetables
- reduce oil consumption
- Do not skip meals.
My students's certificates in Codeweek
- My student Esma S. has introduced herself(Nazife YAVUZ/Mihraplı Abdulkadir Can Anatolian Religious High Schoo...
We held a webinar to meet the students. Also Nazife Demiröz and Aylin Acar as mentor teachers informed our students the details of the pro...